Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pop Quiz

So here's your question people:

You have walked out on your kids and moved two time zones away . Never fear - you're going to be a better father because you will now be HAPPY. You will be in town from Thursday evening until Sunday noon. You want the kids Friday after school. When your soon(not soon enough for her)-to-be ex-wife suggests you meet them at 4:00 pm so you can spend some time with the kids before the boy's hockey game at 6:00 pm do you say:

a) Sure thing! I can't wait to see my kids! It's been a month!

b) Sure thing! I can't wait to see my kids!! And I am sure you could use a little break seeing as you have less than 48 hours off a month - I am happy to help as much as I can since I am here!

c)Um... I have a lot to do. You know, now that I have to go and check the attic at the house we're selling.* And ...mumble mumble (some jumbo about work, soon to be ex-wife stops listening because she is sick and tired of hearing what a big deal it is for him to take time in order to come here, he's so important yadda yadda yadda).

d) Um... I have a lot to do. You know, now that I have to go and check the attic at the house we're selling.* And ...mumble mumble (some jumbo about work, soon to be ex-wife stops listening because she is sick and tired of hearing what a big deal it is for him to take time in order to come here, he's so important yadda yadda yadda). AND THEN PROCEED TO CALL UP A BUDDY WHO LIVES 40 MINUTES AWAY AND DRIVE OUT THERE TO HAVE A COUPLE OF BEERS WITH HIM AND SHOW UP 5 MINUTES LATE TO MEET YOUR KIDS.

Are you thinking?

I know, you have to check your normal thoughts at the door here.

Is that your final answer?


Of course it's d.

How could it be anything else? We're glad you have some common sense and realize that this guy is a cad and weren't snowed once again like his soon(not soon enough for her)-to-be-ex-wife. Yeah, she's a chump.

In her defense she'd really rather be someone who doesn't assume the worst of someone and can't grasp how anyone wouldn't make the right call here. So she's thinking that she may be kinda dumb sometimes but at least she's not rotten inside. She'd rather that any day.

* You need to understand that the whole attic thing is NOT HIS FAULT. He asked a buddy** to check it - and geez that buddy forgot to check it. Hard to get good friends these days. Good thing that he breezed into town in order to save the day and find the 3 very very dead mice that have been there undoubtedly for months. He's a HERO! (Dear Readers - yes, you are right. He was living in the house up until 7 weeks ago. And yes, he did tell his soon (not soon enough for her)-to-be ex-wife that he'd been checking the traps regularly and that they were empty so he'd taken them down since they had peanut butter in them and the thought of that up there for months on end - try not to think of the dead mice - is just gross. You make a valid point but he doesn't function well in reality - only in his little fantasy world where he is a HERO! Yippee!)

** Buddy is a GREAT GUY. A really great guy who spent 4 evenings and a complete weekend cleaning out jackass's crap and painting etc even once jackass had left. He is one of the most conscientious people I've met (and I've known him for 14 years) and must be suffering from some debilitating mental illness at the moment since he seems to have "forgotten" a bunch of other stuff that he promised to do. We have to go easy on him. (Get that thought out of your brain - NO! Really? You think that Jackass might not have asked him to do all those things? Shhhh... stop that. No, I know. I think so too. But that kind of thinking is not permitted in Never Never Land!)

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